The embodiment of power vs A position of power
August 24, 2021 | Written by LiTerrius Miller Black People Are The Embodiment of Power! They fear us, when they see us. They see power, when they see us... and the weak are intimidated by power, even when they are in a "position of power". This is because they're aware of themselves. They know that they're ONLY in a position of power, and are not the living embodiment of power... that would be us (black people). We are walking potential beyond their own. This is why they condition us, to seal it and keep it locked away, hidden from our minds; while they key to our freedom is within our minds. They do things to us to kill our potential, to demean it, and deplete it. Potential is sleeping power. It's time to wake up my people. They know they're only in power because of our ignorance and inertia (lack of action). They're threatened by our potential, because they know that true power resides in the very genes, at a microscopic level it dominates! The micro p...