Peace and Victimhood
Peace and Victimhood You go through war to get to peace. Being still and silent in oppression isn't peace, it's victimhood. The only way you get out of victimhood is by acting. Not by praying and waiting, not by thinking you're not, or brainwashing yourself into thinking you're free until you magically are. You get out of victimhood by getting off your ass and doing something about it! If you're not doing that, then you're a victim whether you like it or not! They have tricked us into thinking you are what you think and so all you have to do is think it hard enough or pray hard enough and one day we'll be free. Wrong! To manifest anything into being you need to act! Faith in something, without working at that something, is useless. If you just trick yourself into thinking your oppression is false and gone, what you're doing is deluding yourself! To free ourselves we need to be about that action backed by knowledge, which would be strategy! We need to ...