Peace and Victimhood

Peace and Victimhood 

You go through war to get to peace. Being still and silent  in oppression isn't peace, it's victimhood. The only way you get out of victimhood is by acting. Not by praying and waiting, not by thinking you're not, or brainwashing yourself into thinking you're free until you magically are. You get out of victimhood by getting off your ass and doing something about it! If you're not doing that, then you're a victim whether you like it or not! They have tricked us into thinking you are what you think and so all you have to do is think it hard enough or pray hard enough and one day we'll be free. Wrong! To manifest anything into being you need to act! Faith in something, without working at that something, is useless. If you just trick yourself into thinking your oppression is false and gone, what you're doing is deluding yourself! 

To free ourselves we need to be about that action backed by knowledge, which would be strategy! We need to unite as a people instead of squabbling over petty, immaterial, differences! We're too focused on uniting with other races, when we should be first getting on an accord with each other! As Malcolm X once said, the only allies we need look like us! If we all had each other's back, we would definitely succeed! We need to Unite and fight for each other above all! 

If we do not unite among ourselves first and build solidarity within our own community, our collective will dissolve even further when we join with other races of people. That's the only thing that will and has happened. The proof is in the past and in the present; and if we don't correct ourselves now, it will continue into our future! Other races have power in their unity. We do not. We have no unity to begin with, so how could we possibly have power in our unity? That would be collective power, which can be used to mass manifest the future we desire for ourselves and our descendants. 

That being said, power has to meet power! If power meets a broken, divided unstable shell of power, it will use its parts to build itself up. Divided we are those parts. You will be oppressed under them still. We as black people need to unite with each other despite any differences and overcome this system to empower ourselves, then we will truly be free to do what we want. Not free living as they see fit, but free from the prison of the mind. Free to live without the boundaries they set. Choose not to be a docile slave, choose to be free! Choose to be a fighter! Choose unity! Choose black power!

You have to go through hardship, conflict and/or war to overcome any oppressive system or situation. Many have learned to cope and "be happy" within this entrapment. Seeing the minority of us make money, or reach success is enough to keep us pacified. We should only be satisfied when our collective is afforded that opportunity.

Don't see color?

They train us not to care about our community, to not even SEE our community! Trust me... everyone else sees us! Even if they're medically colored blind they see us, because our differences go far beyond color! Did you know, with color blinded sight, you still see black and white? Ever seen a black and white picture? It's a lot like that. That's how dogs can still be racist. Black people still look black, actually even blacker! And white people look whiter!

They don't want us to organize and solidify power without them. That's in part why they force their way in our movements and spaces! And put out this red herring about "America's worst nightmare is blacks and whites joining forces''. No actually it's not! If that were their nightmare segregation would have never ended. 
Us joining them only allows them to rob us, spy on us, inhibit our plans, and to fuel the distraction that is; not every white person is x, y, or z. Which causes you to think you could possibly make allies and friends of them. I see through the BS! That should not be our focus or agenda! Most black businesses were voluntarily shut down as soon as we could go to white ones. It's truly pitiful! Void esteem drives us to want relationships, and acceptance from our very own oppressors or those that resemble them. Wake up! They went after every black organization!
Organizations funded by them that serve alternative lifestyles, and are all inclusive of all races like. "black lives matter" don't get taken down or targeted by the government, they get platforms, they get support, they get positive media exposure, they get donations, and a big social push! There are many ways to spot a fake! To spot something that we should not be! There are lessons to be learned all around us for our collective success. 

In closing i'd like to emphasize the importance of not being at peace in your victimhood. It will ensure that you stay a victim for the rest of your life. You have to actively oppose your victimization, and fight this system of oppression however you can in a smart, strategic, effective manner. Find you calling in this battle and fight! Discover which tool of fighting is right for you, and utilize it to the best of your ability! Let your emotions not hinder you but propel you! B1.

Writer: L.D Miller
Instagram: Riseupblack


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