The Independence of Melanin

The importance of Melanin

Melanin has been a very complicated, deep, and somewhat arcane subject! One that the caucasians have been studying for centuries now, while the beings with the most important kind of melanin have been sleeping on it. Unaware of their supreme circumstances in the universe that stems from their very genetic make up! Melanin specifically, "neuromelanin" is the black substance located in the brain that runs multiple bodily systems and is vital for cognitive functions. The loss of it results in Parkinson's disease and many other brain maladies. Eu-melanin is the next melanin that's known as the "good melanin" that ranges from brown to black in color. Melanin is derived from the greek word mela which means black. There's a lot of power in the word and essence of being black. I will include links to studies Europeans have done on black people and other races to discover more knowledge about the pineal gland and the importance of melanin.

They do these studies because they matter, very much so. Our color matters, our melanin matters, our anatomy matters! It seems that the pawns of the caucasian society and the majority of black people don't fully realize how important and essential these particular things are, and that is for a purpose. Black people have been conditioned through brutality that differences "shouldn't or don't matter" and would only breed more violence and discord if realized. They have been beaten into not even wanting to research or further discover how and why they're different from everyone else. 

This is a dormant fear that being different is bad and they'll be punished for speaking out about their racial differences, because they have been brutalized because of said racial differences in the past. They are still victims to this day with that mindset. Many have even adopted this line of thinking in their spiritual beliefs. "There are no differences! We're all the same in Christ!" Many believers claim... but what real sense does that make? It seems very limited and cognitive functions to claim such a thing... or diabolical, depending which side of the fence you're on. 

This claim that "we're all the same" pushes the normalization of wearing blinders to "get along". The willing participation of limiting your ability to see the truth. Many believe that lies bring people together and the truth separates them, whether they admit this or not. However for someone to conjure and propagate this ideal as a predator is pure genius. It allows you to infiltrate their spaces and take over without any resistance tangibly or intangibly, and for those who do speak or act against it are silenced or attacked and shamed by the ignorant majority who have bought into this ideology, because it is now "wrong" to exclude people. Integration worked very much in this way.

Religious Labels To Bind Us

The majority label themselves under religious labels such as Christians or Muslims because it links them to people of varied ethnic, cultural, and political backgrounds. This is used as a defense mechanism against hate. It has been taught that hate arises from the acknowledgement of differences (no matter what they are). This makes no sense and simply does not work regardless. In history we see that people who have shared the same religious and racial backgrounds have warred and killed each other. In nature itself animals of the same genetic background fight, maim, and kill each other all the time. Furthermore that's a weak simple minded way to go about being in this world. It has been used as a shield and there's a great reason why it hasn't worked. That's because it doesn't work! Even if it did, it still shouldn't be seen as a remedy for hate, violence or discord. We must raise our vibrations and elevate our minds. We have to strengthen our mental fortitude, humble our flesh and raise our spiritual awareness to discover true solutions to our problems. 

We were trained to think this way to keep us away from our truth!

The notion that "we're all the same and there are no differences worth mentioning or acknowledging simply isn't true. It's a lie in the agenda pushed by elites on down so that we don't realize our unique spiritual, mental, and emotional potential. Our ignorance of who and what we are, only benefits them and  continues to oppress us. We're opting out of full knowledge of ourselves for the limited knowledge that only connects us all. If we delved into the full truth we will start to see separations on higher levels. Many of us fear any kind of separation because we have become so dependent on others, in our relationships, our interactions, our sexual ventures, educational ventures and even our work environments. We're bonded to other races in so many ways the thought of leaving them gives many of us separation anxiety! Such a sad state to be in but you think yourself to be spiritually aware and empowered? You're addicts and don't even realize it, and addicts are nothing but slaves to their addictions.

Many don't see a need to see or act on any differences if they don't have a reason to hate someone. They have been trained to be their own jailers. Their mindset which has been beaten into their ancestors and passed down like a true generational curse has been the perpetual "Nail in the coffin" for their liberation. Not everything is about an emotion. No matter how you decide to feel about it, the truth is the truth and should be realized and applied in life. Knowledge without application is pointless, but knowledge without acknowledgement is foolishness. Many of us know truths and choose to ignore it to have interracial sex, to get a job, to make a friend. Products of our circumstances but fools of our own choices. You're not truly empowered if you can't operate or achieve goals without sacrificing the truth. You're not nearly as enlightened as you claim to be if you see this as the way.

Most of us have been trained to only "feel good" when everyone else is "just like us" and that it's ideal to be all-inclusive. Separation in search of truth in empowerment brings about elevation the truth of identity. Not ignorance and bitterness, those who think that way, are already that way, but can't see it. When you're addicted to something or someone for so long you don't realize how sick and codependent you truly are until you separate and get back to self. We recognize the differences between every other species and ourselves which gives us a huge advantage, because we focus in and do in depth learning about us and what makes us different, it's empowering! I present to you that different races are also different species int eh way of genetics, so focusing in on that will be empowering to us as a people, more on that in an upcoming blog. Thanks for reading and stay elevated!

Author: Ra El

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