The Co-dependence Of The Black People

The Folly of Integration

Integration has caused black people to sympathize and love their oppressors even more than they did previously. It's clear that the masses of black people long to be accepted by this white supremacist nation. We yearn to eat alongside them as equals despite how they tortured and brutalized us, even to the extent of raping, mutilating and lynching not only the men but the women and children as well.

Mental conditioning via perverted false religious doctrine designed to manipulate the populous, caused us to think we're just like them despite not doing even half the atrocities they have during chattel slavery in our entire collective history. We think they're better, that we should strive to be like them instead of being ourselves. We were taught the creator of the universe is white and that his white son will come and save us one day. We seek out the good white people, we feen for their approval and crave their understanding for our plight, because we think we need them to break the chains they placed upon us.

We feel helpless on an individual level thus we feel helpless on a macro level. We don't even obtain unity in our community. We only come together or relate when it comes to cultural activities. Not when it comes to oppression, coming together to beat that, acknowledging the common enemies we only have and using our collective power to beat it to death... and why not? Simply put... that would be too serious for our minds. We don't want to come together for war we only want to come together for fun times! That's all that matters to us. Our minds are too fragile for something of that magnitude. Another result of the oppression and harsh conditioning we've incurred as a people.

The Infantilization of the black community 

We have been infantilized in every blatant way. Mentally adults are prepared to make hard life changing decisions when need be, not make excuses on why they should delay. Adults are ready for battle, hard times and change at any time, but too often we opt to let others handle our issues. From the micro to the macro, while we too often whine, complain and seek sympathy from strangers. A vital function of the government is to handle its citizens questions, needs and concerns; but for us our dependence is on a different, detrimental level than other peoples. 

We inquire and plead with the same government that victimizes us daily. Marching is easy, boycotting is hard. Making serious life decisions, sacrificing, investing, changing your life for the betterment of your future and your children's future is a hard adult decision. 

Too many of us aren't adult enough to make that decision, thanks to the government's brutalization and infantilizing. Beat your kids and take care of your kids, only teach them what you want them to know! Many black households know this motto well. 
Asking another entity outside of self and community to solve your problems is telling. Especially when the entity you're seeking solutions from is creating your problems. Your lack of action, knowledge and maturity contributes to your own oppression. A reality your own energy is forming because it isn't overcoming the suppressive energy being placed upon it by outside forces.

Destroying ourselves

We have been taught a self depreciating and deprecating culture that we title: saintly and humble. It's apart of Christian culture. The truth is, it's okay to lift ourselves up, acknowledge our own accomplishments and state our own known greatness. We're afraid to even speak our minds, In fear of the white supremacist god's wrath, or being judged by other indoctrinated minds. We're slaves to the judgments and expectations of our oppressors. This is displayed in our very hesitancy or embarrassment to bring up racism in their presence. Just smile and grin, and gain their favor. 
After all it's how we get ahead in their system. We're incentivized to be accepting of their ways, to compromise ourselves and our communities in lieu of resisting and stopping their agenda. We're even threatened if we do. Threats only matter to those concerned with survival instead of a purpose or life changing goal. You be better by doing better. Knowledge without application, isn't Knowledge at all.

Author: L.D Miller
Instagram: @riseupblack


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