Progression towards Death

What is progression?

When we think of the word “progression” or “progressive” certain concepts automatically come to mind, such as: positivity, a push in the right direction, the betterment of our society, and perhaps even a political party we link to all those concepts. We shouldn’t be so quick to jump to those optimistic conclusions though. Progression is subjective.Many things are progressive, but progressive in what direction? Progressive towards life, righteousness, and self-improvement? Or progressive towards death, disease, and the unnatural which holds detrimental consequence? My people, I present to you that the latter is our current circumstance. 

The progress “they” push!

The progression that the media, politicians, and government at large is touting is one that is propelling us into death disease and the unnatural! Which will lead to our undoing if not checked ASAP. Our government is cultivating a society that will ultimately lead us all to discord and destruction, with seeds that are first planted in the mind. This starts in grade school, and promoted on television everywhere you look.

The concepts and ideas they place on pedestals to foist upon the masses, do not produce life, thus they produce death. We are steadily and progressively sliding into a culture of insanity, death and disease. This really started centuries ago with our melanated ancestors. The death and disease they implemented started in the mind and from there it went into the food that we were forced to eat to survive, and this has followed most of us till this day. Passed down from generation to generation, popularized as something okay… like many other things we see today. So, this isn't new, but the intensity we currently see is. 

Things are reaching a fever pitch. People are prosecuting those with opposing views and/or traditional views. There is a fervent censorship and public lynching of those who seek truth and speak truth. Of those who stand against the status quo of society. Those who express themselves freely are  callously disregarded if their expression doesn’t favor or fall in line with the collective “moral” establishment. The establishment of what a collective of people have decided is right and just. If you dare challenge that or disagree with any of it, you’re deemed to be full of hate, ignorance and insensitivity. Even when that’s not the case and the facts support your perspective. This is because people have been conditioned to be emotional reactors, instead of critical thinkers. 

Mind Control 

They tell you how to feel about something and it’s set in over time. Like a well-tempered sword. From then on, you’re in attack mode, ready to rip apart, criticize or bash anyone who triggers you with select words or phrases. You’re conditioned to react. Of course all of this is subconscious.

Automatically, you are activated to block out anything that can challenge your closely held beliefs, and you commit yourself to listening to respond, in lieu of listening to understand. We think we know everything on certain subjects because the society has said that it’s correct, and so we smother the truth that lies within others. We stifle their voices if it doesn’t aid these nefarious agendas. 

Thoughtful Consideration

Are you convinced you’re standing for what’s right? Convinced that you’re a social justice warrior? I implore you to ask yourself the following questions, about your stances. Will it lead to the production of life? What will be the ultimate result of the agenda you’re standing behind? Is it tangible or intangible? Do you do it to appease others? Is it to protect the feelings though being logically unsustainable? Does it oppress others in anyway? Even those who disagree? Does it involve suppressing the voices of those who disagree? Have you listened and processed the information from any opposing arguments, with an honest heart and an unbiased ear? Are you open minded? Have you critically thought about your stance? Does it stop the production of life in anyway? Will it take away from the populous of the black community? All powerful questions to ask yourself, to consider and to answer truthfully. Don't be a zombie, be free.

Taking A Stance

We must break free, once and for all. Taking a stance from which we will never fall! They say if we don’t stand for something we will fall for anything, but the truth is, many of us already fell for the nonsense. Many of us have become nonsensical and have chosen to defend nonsense. This is likely because you didn’t have a well-established, structurally sound foundation to begin with, put in the world to twist in the wind.  

Disregard the disapproval of others when staying true to yourself, and taking your stance. Don't waver in the wind. Don’t bend to the whims of how others may feel, or misinterpret your actions and words. Do not back down, do not change with the times. There are no times! Just new schemes that elites want to implement, all to push their agendas, manipulating us just to meet their own ends. You will either submit or resist. The feelings of others should be ultimately irrelevant, when making a choice that is ALL YOURS. Put yourself and your community to the forefront, and push the agendas that will benefit you long term, and fight against the ones that will destroy you, and your descendants mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically. Which they are attacking  on every front. Food still being one of their favorite tools, among other things. I leave you with this statement; take an informed, well thought out stance, draw a hard line in the sand and don’t back off it no matter what comes your way.

Author: L.D Miller

Instagram: @riseupblack


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